About Brendon
Returning to his home country after his early years in Zimbabwe,
Edwards' high impact, large-scale works can be seen across South
Africa and internationally.
His work is a timeless, visual vibration transformed into an
immersive three-dimensional experience. In explaining his work,
Edwards communicates there is more than a man-made and natural
connection, something that lies much deeper in human existence.
This begins with a shape that has played a monumental role in
Edwards' work - circles. He states, "The spherical form is the
language of our universe, the most inclusive language from the
beginning to the end of time. From the tiniest atom to the
infinite space of galaxies, all creation is spherical".
The circle is important not just in science but in art and
history, it is the language of our DNA and of the Universe. It
was considered by Ancient Greeks to have been the most beautiful
shape, with its ideally geometric ratio and proportions.
The Philosophy of Creation
The sphere is the language of our DNA. It is the language of
nature and the universe. With Pythagoras, the Eternal Monad
arises from the primordial circle (or Zero. From the circle or
zero, the monad (one) emanates two (the dyad) forms three which
gives rise to four (the quaternary) which is the perfect square
and the symbolic foundation of the material and phenomenal
In a commentary from one of the most Ancient books known to man
it states "the circle is not 'one' but the All. Aristotle stated
... "all things seem to be remodeled on numbers, and numbers
seemed to be the first things in the whole of nature, they
supposed the elements of number to be the elements of all
things." The numbers that impressed the pythagoreans the most
were those found in musical ratios.
"Edwards presents his work as a way to visually allude to an
idea Plato labelled as the "Music of Spheres". This is an
ancient philosophical concept which demonstrates that the
spatial relationship of the Sun, Moon and planets form a musical
scale. The Pythagorean theory states that the distances of the
planets from the Sun and the distances between these bodies, are
represented by musical intervals of tones and half- tones, etc.
Edwards has labelled his genre Muse-spheric as a nod to this
philosophical concept but adding emphasis to the idea of art and
Further to this scale is the relationship between creation (the
atom), colour which is sound, sound which is colour. Colour and
sound are both vibrational, as one affects the optic nerves of
the eye the other the drum of the ear. Everything in our world
vibrates and everything we sense vibrates. Sunlight is broken up
into 7 colours, Violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, and
red. This is known as the solar spectrum and in Music they form
the complete musical scale of 7 notes ... a perfect octave.
Even present day mathematicians and philosophers see the circle
as ideal, with no weak spots and perfect symmetry. A shape that
much like music, suppasses the barriers of humanity, unites and
allows people to feel whole. The circle is primitive yet modern,
symbolising infinity, completeness, inclusivity, growth, time,
life, seasons, planets, man, woman, the universe, right down to
our language.
What is ever present in Edwards' spherical work is this
underlying idea that music is at the very core of our existence,
born from the universe and considered by many intellectuals as
the universal language of mankind. It has the ability to cross
borders, ethnicities, time, race and religion; uniting humans
together through pure emotion. Edwards' studies and
understanding of the world, philosophy and artistic language
allow him to create. art by taking complicated subjects and
representing them in a simple aesthetic form.